A Celebration of the Dial-a-Poem App – Nov 2020

On Wednesday 25th November 2020, the Nottingham Creative Writing Hub hosted Dial-a-Poem, a celebration of the Dial-a-Poem app, developed as part of the AHRC-funded Crossed Lines research project, led by Dr Sarah Jackson.

Chaired by CPRG lead Dr Jackson, the Dial-a-Poem event featured readings from several of the internationally-recognised poets included on the app: Raquel Lanseros, Andrew McMillan, Rishi Dastidar and Chrissy Williams, with support from the winner of the national Dial-a-Poem competition, Rose Brenna, and John Rogers, who won the NTU prize.

The event was hosted online and featured a discussion on poetry, calling and technology. Many thanks to the poets, to the Nottingham Creative Writing Hub, and to all those involved.

If you missed the event in November, you can now watch it in full here: